Fucoidan from Laminaria cichorioides inhibits AP-1 transactivation and cell transformation in the mouse epidermal JB6 cells.
Lee NY, Ermakova SP, Choi HK, Kusaykin MI, Shevchenko NM, Zvyagintseva TN, Choi HS.
Mol Carcinog. 2008 Feb 26 [Epub ahead of print] Full article Abstract
Inhibitory effects of fucoidan on activation of epidermal growth factor receptor and cell transformation in JB6 Cl41 cells.
Lee NY, Ermakova SP, Zvyagintseva TN, Kang KW, Dong Z, Choi HS.
Food Chem Toxicol. 2008 May;46(5):1793-800. Full article Abstract
Effect of 1,3;1,6-beta-D-glucans on Developing Sea Urchin Embryos
Kiseleva MI, Balabanova LA, Rasskazov VA, Zvyagintseva TN.
Mar Biotechnol (NY). 2008 Feb 21 [Epub ahead of print] Abstract
Structure, biological activity, and enzymatic transformation of fucoidans from the brown seaweeds
Kusaykin M, Bakunina I, Sova V, Ermakova S, Kuznetsova T, Besednova N, Zaporozhets T, Zvyagintseva T.
Catalytic properties and mode of action of
endo-(1,3)-beta-D-glucanase and beta-D-glucosidase from the marine mollusk Littorina kurilaMaria S. Pesentseva, Mikhail I. Kusaykin
*, Stanislav D. Anastyuk, Victoria V. Sova, Tatyana N. Zvyagintseva